Duties of the authorities in EU Member States
European Union legislation already requires or requests EU Member States to do many things regarding human trafficking. Here is a summary of the main points. Please refer especially to Directive 2011/36/EU . See also the separate EFN text on the the rights of Victims of Trafficking – which put many more requirements on the authorities.
EFN Terminology Guide
The issue of terminology is complex and nuanced and as understanding increases, terminology evolves. EFN believes that the words we use matter. They matter in helping us to be clear on our position against all forms of exploitation of persons and in ensuring the dignity of the person.
EFN Stance on Prostitution
EFN unashamedly opposes the sex trade, knowing it to be exploitative, harmful and dangerous for those involved in it. We believe: • that consent cannot be purchased • that the sex trade degrades all parties and • that laws must be in place to protect the dignity and worth of all human beings.
How Would Your Church Respond to this Victim of Human Trafficking?
Author: Zsuzsa Mecséri-McNamara from Set Free Movement - Hungary “He told me he loved me. [...]
EFN are partnering with Liberty Shared to track victim journeys
The European Freedom Network (EFN) is very pleased to announce a new partnership [...]
Christians working against sexual slavery gathered in Berlin to “speak with one voice”
The European Freedom Network, formed by more than 200 partner organisations, becomes a legal [...]